Imageworx Introduces SERO™ HDM

SERO HDM (Smooth-Zero, High Definition Modular) screening was developed by Imageworx to broaden the printed color gamut for flexo printers by delivering a smoother breakdown of highlight dots. By utilizing a carefully engineered minimum dot structure, SERO is able to balance highlight tints in a way that allows gradients to fade away completely without a visible edge. The unique combination of high-resolution imaging, Kodak Flexcel NX plates, and finely tuned microscopic dot structures now offer flexo printers a viable and economic solution to overcome the most difficult process and screen tint issues.
By carefully modulating the screening and optimizing the pixel placement, we have been able to produce and hold on Kodak NX flexographic plates dots as small as .2% at 170-line screen. Using McDermid and DuPont flexographic plates, in combination with pixel plus, we routinely hold .5% dots at 170-line screen. With this minuscule dot, and the special placement SERO HDM screening provides, our customers have achieved print results that measure under 1% in the highlights, effectively eliminating any visual edge where the screening breaks off.
Above you can visually see the impact SERO screening has on the highlights. With one trial on press, and we are sure you will agree, this is the screening you need to improve your highlight detail and gradient fades. We will be happy to discuss this process in detail with you should you desire additional information.
Additional benefits of SERO are smoother color transitions and clean running plates. The additional space between dots provided by SERO does not allow for the ink build up normally associated with clustered highlight dots. What you achieve during set-up is what you should expect throughout the run. Imageworx will work with you to determine the exact Anilox and BCM volume to provide ideal results on your equipment.
SERO has both narrow and web wide web variants. The narrow web variant shows exceptional results when using water, solvent, UV, and LED inks. The wide web variant has been modified to perform better with water and solvent based inks commonly utilized in the production of flexible packaging at higher press speeds.
So you might be wondering “what led us to create this proprietary hybrid-screening?” After careful evaluation of all commercially available screening options, our conclusion was that the flexographic process still had room to improve, specifically in how highlight detail and gradient fades in general are handled. SERO HDM was created to expand the contrast and detail a flexographic printer can achieve in the zero to six percent highlight area.